Saturday, December 29, 2012

My Book Review: "The Legend of the Monk and the Merchant" by Terry Felber

I seriously feel like I say this every few months, but this honestly is one of the best books I have read this year. This is one of those books that makes my certified list of, “you need to read this before you die.” Charlie Tremendous Jones said that 20 years from today, you will be the same person you are today except for the books you read and the people you meet. This is one of those few books that needs to be on your list, right along with Dave Ramsey’s “The Total Money Makeover.” J

Terry Felber’s story and 12 keys to successful living were motivating and inspiring. Felber put into words what I have always felt in my heart but couldn’t put into diction with eloquence. My favorite aspect of this tale is the relationship between clergy and those of us in business. Felber perfectly relays that both sides have power and influence to further God’s kingdom on this Earth.

Yes this story has a religious context but I really feel that the central message is relatable regardless of your religious (or non) affiliation.  As someone whom is pursuing wealth building, it was happily refreshing to have one of the central characters defend business and making profits. Someone other than Dave Ramsey believes that making money is not evil and that with the right heart and approach, success in the business realm can even help make our world better. The interconnected relationship between the business and clerical worlds was perfectly laid out in this book. I absolutely give this book my stamp of approval and it will be one I re-ready several hundred times in the years to come. Its message is remarkable and reinforces my spirituality as I march on from 0 to one million.

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